CCM Mural: Community Paint event- July 13th

07/13/2024 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM MT


Clear Creek Makerspace is now open! We want to invite our community to be a part of bringing our building to life through a paint by numbers mural campaign. Localworks will host two different community paint events. During these events, you will have the ability to paint a section/sections of the mural. 


As Clear Creek Makerspace will be a culture of inclusion and breaking down barriers to access, the mural is an important step toward creating this culture. To get involved all you have to do is come to one of the events and be ready to lend a hand! 

There are opportunities for greater involvement that Localworks encourages if you're able. Our programs, including launching the Clear Creek Makerspace - the largest project in the organization's history since its inception in 2005 - depend on contributions from community members like you. You have a unique opportunity to give in a big way towards this mural project through our giving levels which you will be able to select during your event registration.

To help support both the creation of this mural and 5 sponsored memberships for Clear Creek Makerspace upon opening, we aim to raise $10,000 throughout this project between both paint by numbers events. 

This event is rain or shine, unless the weather is severe enough to impact the creation of the mural or safety of the participants.